Southend Beach Hut Owners Association
As proud beach hut owners, nothing can be worse than finding out that our precious hut has been the target of some form of crime. One significant benefit of being a member of the SBHOA is that as soon as an incident is reported to the security officer - Steve Puxley on 07780 760877, the hut owner will be swiftly contacted and informed of the circumstances, particularly important where a hut has been badly damaged. We are unable to provide this service to non members!
There are many signs along the promenade, and on many huts, encouraging passers by, dog walkers, joggers, cyclists etc., to report anything suspicious in the vicinity of the huts. We also encourage hut owners, upon visiting their own huts, to take a few minutes and check on other huts in the vicinity. We do ask owners to consider allowing a warning sign to be fitted to their hut, free of charge, so if you are interested please call Steve Puxley on 07780 760877.
Contact numbers - If you witness a serious crime occurring, such as a break-in or vandalism phone 101 immediately. If you require urgent assistance, for example if a crime is being committed ask for the Control Area. If you are reporting a past incident ask for the crime bureaux. Whichever option you choose, please remember to call Steve Puxley our security officer on 07780 760877
The role of the Security Officer within the SBHOA, currently Steve Puxley, fills several functions:-
To provide information and education to members, that will help improve hut security against break in, theft, vandalism and other forms of anti social behaviour (ASB).
To help ensure incidents, both occurring and occurred are, where appropriate, reported to the police and/or other local agencies.
To keep good records of incidents affecting the beach huts, so that trends can be identified and measures taken to combat going forward.
To regularly liaise with the local police, the SBC Foreshore team, neighbourhood watch police, and the joint police/SBC Youth Street Engagement team.
Security Advice
The SBHOA with the help of Southend Police hold free security advice days during the season for the benefit of any members who are interested. This consists of an informal on-site inspection, to evaluate the existing security measures. If you would like to take part and have your hut assessed by a police expert please register by calling Steve Puxley on 01702 558166.
Events have proven that padlocks alone are not a deterrent to criminals armed with bolt cutters. Make sure you have a mortice or cylinder lock fitted as well.